After about 8 weeks, my 1968 Springmist Green Pontiac GTO is back home! The paint and body work is complete and looking good. The vinyl and molding are all set. What's left to do is the interior and a bunch of little things (like put the door handles back on - details.
So my wife followed me home tonight because it was dark, I had a gallon of gas in the tank and no tail lights. Had a bit of a scare after leaving the gas station and almost rear ended a car before making a left onto LA Ave. Seems that the brakes need a little maintenance. Nearly crapped myself.
The vinyl top is double-seem, black and without the waterproof padding (just like it came from the factory). The shop had a difficulty lining up the endura bumper with the fenders and the hood. These cars didn't perfect from the factory to begin with, then throw in years of driving and a couple of fender benders and what do yuo expect? The emblem on the front is from the Parts Place Inc. $25.
The vinyl top was completed by a local shop on the corner of Cochran and Tapo, called Unida Auto Upholstery. They did a fine job.
Stay tuned for more pics and updates. There's going to be some long nights...